You have entered a private realm. Unravel the pieces of my puzzle and look at the world though my looking glass. Only then will you understand why I am ME.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Glass Houses and Pretenses
All I know is everything is not as it’s told
And the more I see, the less I grow
The fewer the seeds, the more I sow
I take pride in how I understand human nature. I can tolerate how some people react a certain way to a given scenario (even at my expense)…because they are only HUMAN. However, the flaws and foibles that define human nature can be downplayed if the person has the correct concept of what is RIGHT and FAIR. Such flaws include malevolence and envy. And once I detect that a certain course of action was borne out of these “ill will,” then I will exercise my human nature to lash back.
I am confident of what I am and what I have achieved. I have built my castle on rock solid ground. You can shake it all you want (if that gives meaning to your miserable existence), but I am stronger that the sum total of your travesty and pretenses. While I have “substance”, you only have “air.” Using this logic, a wiser person will choose his battles elsewhere. Tsk, tsk.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people have the audacity to cast stones at you when they themselves live in GLASS HOUSES.
You made your own bed of thorns, now you must lay on it.
P.S. You don’t deserve the attention. You don’t even deserve this space or this “tribute” to your wretched ways. But I have to say my piece (consider this as my Judas kiss). After this, I shove you back to where you were…to the NOTHING that you are.
Hodgepodge (February 2008)
Winning B.I.G.
February is Sales Conference month. The two days of the year when we are brought together by a common goal: to unravel the plans (and targets) for the year. The time to bond and supposedly reinforce our teamwork. It is also the time when we acknowledge that everything and anything in our company revolves around SALES.
This sales conference was extra stressful for the organizers because it coincided with the celebration of the 20th year of our company. I was tasked to do the write-up for the AVPs….not one, not two…but THREE write-ups!!! While writing (in blog mode) is effortless for me, corporate writing entails a different language. There goes the stress. I had to really rack my brain on that one, especially the one about the theme reveal (and the 5 rings).
Here are the highlights of the 2-day Sales Conference (in no particular order).
1. The Triumphant Turned Emotional Big Night. This is a strictly-formal gala night which is billeted as one of our surprises for the salespeople. The jampacked line-up for the night includes awarding of the top sales performers, theme unveil (Win B.I.G in 20..08…B.I.G. stands for Beyond Individual Goals), 20th anniversary toast and a tribute to our president. Pressure on me since I had to co-host the event. Good thing I was paired again with my favorite co-host so that our spiels are more seamless and natural.
2. The Team Games. It has been a tradition for the SalesCon to have team games a la Amazing Race. I was part of the blue team. The games this year are more parlor games than Amazing Race but they are physical nonetheless. I spent most of my energies on the ball toss, hula hoop relay and caterpillar relay. Eventually, our team finished over-all second place. Green Team took the lead only because they were damn lucky at drawing straws (haha…sourgrape).
3. The endless picture taking. We have two official photographers armed with professional cameras and they did a great job in chronicling the activities through high-res photos. Kudos to C and M.
4. The search for our assigned villa. This was such an exasperating experience for us that I have to do an entire blog on this (for posting soon). For now, I have to say that Canyonwoods is “over-rated” and the person in-charge of the front desk needs a crash course in the basics of front desk management and customer service.
5. The celebrity guest. Although this is already the third time that Aga joined us for the SalesCon, he immersed himself in the activities this time. He had fun judging the activities, especially the egg contraption, that I have to call him twice to go inside for the next activity.
6. The accident. One of our KAMs was injured while completing the obstacle course. She had a dislocated shoulder and had to be rushed to a hospital to have it corrected immediately. Another minus point for Canyonwoods: they don’t have contingencies for accidents like this. Anyway, I accompanied C to the hospital since I was finished with my brand presentation by then. I must say that she is one brave girl with a high tolerance for pain.
7. The God-forsaken Dinner. On our way back to Manila, we stopped by Tagaytay for dinner (we were famished and we want M to enjoy Tagaytay). After a seemingly endless debate, we ended up in Antonio’s Grill. Guess who were there?! The GODS! Anyway, nalibre naman kami. Haha!
8. The gossip that was served with the coffee. Call me anything but a gossip monger. I stay out (or take middle ground) on things that are none of my business. But somehow, gossip has its way of finding me. But my lips are sealed. I have enough on my plate already and I will not be senselessly dragged into other people’s mess. I just hope that some people realize that there is a correct use of the grapevine.
I’ve been a big fan Amazing Race and, of late, have been riveted to the The Amazing Race Asia Season 2 (TARA2) because Team Philippines (Marc Nelson and Rovilson Fernandez) has a good chance of finishing first. The two has been called Magnum PI or The Boys From The Philippines and their goofiness reminds me Eric and Jeremy (Frat Boys) and BJ and Tyler (Hippies) from TAR7.
I always knew Marc was articulate and smart since he was a YS writer for some time. I’m a Gameplan fan and have seen Rovilson’s wacko side. I have even met him personally and he has this “good man” vibe. Being subjected to the TARA’s challenges, the two were the epitome of grace under pressure and of enjoying the experience despite being in competition. They are really good on both the physical and the mental challenges. Since this is a game, expect some unfair play. However, their brand of treachery was tactical (read: game-driven) rather than out of spite for the competing team.
M&R finished 1st in 7 out of 12 legs, was a shoo-in for the final three and was the team that everyone was trying to beat. Unfortunately, the last leg entailed arranging the flags in the order of the countries they visited. Too bad Rovilson had to do it because he had a difficulty figuring it out. Watching from the side, Marc remained cool despite knowing the correct order (he took up Geography in university). I was heart-wrenching to see them finish third. But despite that, I think they “owned” TARA2. (Sidebar: How true are the rumors that Marc is eyed to replace host Allan Wu?...hmmmm)
Top Moments in the TARA2
1. Collin and Adrian finishing the fasttrack challenge and then risking a different train route. This eventually put them ahead of Marc and Rovilson in the final legs.
2. Henry and Teri’s constant bickering and verbal assaults on each other. Often, I wished they were not representing the Philippines.
3. The participant’s response to BALUT. Always classic and priceless.
4. Paula suffering from temporary memory loss after completing the pool dive challenge
5. Henry and Teri yielding Marc and Rovilson, who was way ahead of them. They must have misunderstood the concept of Yield
6. The challenge at the orphanage in Africa added “heart” to the show.
7. Bret sticking it out Kinar with, even through their eventual elimination.
I’m gravitating towards another exquisite extreme. The knowledge that I have to balance the magic and the myth. I’m looking for what’s stable and logical, but I only get what’s happy and hysterical. It is more than enough… but also more than what I can take.
I promised myself that the day will come. Finally, your magic and spell has lost its effect on me.
All the things we want each other to be
We never will be
And that’s wonderful. That’s LIFE.
Something Happened On The Way To Heaven
It was The Five People You Meet In Heaven.

Truth to tell, I didn’t like Tuesdays With Morrie, the first book by Mitch Albom which is in the Favorite Book List of almost every other booklover. I found it too preachy, dripping in saccharine and it just expounded on things that I knew all along… that life already taught me. I can understand why some people are so inspired and affected by this book. But for me, I sort of experienced it firsthand.
This book was a different. I couldn’t put it down and became one of the few books I had to finish in one sitting. For one, it talks about unfamiliar territory….death and the concept of heaven. Albom touched a sensitive and poignant topic which is the fear and obsession of any mortal. Albom used DEATH to give a new meaning to LIFE and he succeeds in doing so.
His concept of death and heaven is nothing out of ordinary. What’s unexpected is that we saw our life in Eddie’s. His story presents a proverbial paranoia of which five people we will meet if this is the correct concept of heaven.
Alboms injected the correct amount of sentimentality to deliver the transcendent impact. This book did not make me teary-eyed but it left me with renewed sense of importance. It presented alternative answers to some of my life questions. It re-acknowledged my vow to leave this world a better place by touching as many lives as I can. Should my time come, I want one my five people to thank me for being a blessing in his life. As simple as that.
Speaking of the five people, I have identified my potential Ruby and my potential Captain. I have a vague concept of my Marguerite (unless someone else will come along). Of course, I cannot identify my Blue Man and I do hope that I won’t have my Tala.
My choice lines from this book are:
The running boy is inside every man, no matter how old he gets.
Holding anger is poison, it eats you from the inside. Hatred is a curved blade: the harm we do to others, we do to ourselves
When these senses weaken, another heightens. Memory becomes your partner. Life has to end, love doesn’t.
Five Reasons To Like TFPYMIH
1. It inculcates profound values without the bias and discourse that taints the values adapted through religion.
2. It is written in simple, accessible prose. I’ve said it many times: what’s simple is often true.
3. It is only about 200-pages long. But its impact is beyond measure.
4. It has a lot of references to the Philippines. One of the five people is Filipino. Albom only missed out on one Tagalog translation: sundalong was used instead of sundalo (soldier).
5. It puts your life in perspective. Above anything, it forces you to understand your life NOW. It shows you that in the intricate tapestry called life, our individual threads become interwoven and one thing leads to another.