Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sight. Sound. Stillness.

I see
The horrors you refuse to acknowledge
The faces that all look hauntingly the same
The price that was too high to pay
The history that was swept under the rugs
The distance that has taken me from you
The weakness that did you in and dealt me out
Your self-congratulatory pretensions
The pictures you paint in careless black
The light you held for other people
The resultant darkness that led to my temporary blindness

I hear
The sickening thud of reality crashing to the floor
The silence that resonates and speaks volumes
The disarming sound of promises that were meant to be broken
The echo of joy disappearing in the chasm of despair
The joke that was on me and your distinctive laughter
My effervescent laughter as I cherish what remains
The beckoning of a greener pasture
The silent tears from friendly eyes that recognize my surrender
The clash of your forlorn internal battle
The ticking of the clock that signals the beginning to an end

I feel