But I have thought about this and of course I won’t say it here. It’s between me and the auspicious birthday candle. I have one major, one minor wish. The major wish involves a life-changing decision. The minor wish is a smoothening out in one dimension.

Thanks to all the people who have been sending birthday wishes...since October! I don’t know who started the trend but greeting a person at 12:01AM of his birthday is really saccharine. So sorry I had dozed off by then.
Of the flood of pre-emptive messages, I remember those of MM and BM. MM’s is gently sarcastic (joke lang!) while BM’s teems with apologetic sincerity.
Anyway, I have a radar for sincerity. I would know if a simple “happy bday, bday boi” is earnest... or French for “I had to greet you just for the sake of.” (Sorry, but there is no respite from bitchiness even on my birthday).
The best birthday message I received came from another B (through YM):
B: you there?
Me: yes, bro
B: how does it feel 2 days from now?
Me: more pressure lang...to be more mature and take all the shit
B: some shits are good. read all ur blogs already. I'm happy somehow u got over some of the bad stuff. Anyway, just want to greet you in advance...Happy Birthday! to one of the best persons i've known. that’s sincere.
Me: thanks bro. i can forget all that's been said and done by others. as long as i am on the good side of the people who matters. people like you.
B: I appreciate ur friendship, bro.
The most creative one came for SA, also through YM and inspired by the Morning Rush Hot 10. I already got her copyright to publish this on my blog. So here goes:
10. Syempre, may magpapakain mamaya...
9. Another year to enjoy life...
8. Another chance to make up for previous (lousy?) year/s
7. Another year to be wiser, hopefully, nicer too…
6. It’s that once a year chance to sneak a hug and kiss from the untouchable bday boi...
5. You’re still alive… It’s enough reason for YOU to celebrate.. Right?!
4. No crap today... ALL people are supposed to be nice to you on your birthday. Next day they’ll be back to normal...
3. Another year to do the job you LOVE, and work with people you LIKE… day in, day out... (sarcastic ba?)
2. Another year to spend with your wonderfully great friends….. (that’s us!)
And the top on the list:
1. You’re another year older… That means you’re still older than me!
Bonus entry: More blogs, more books, more Flat Tops for us…. Hehe. It’s your bday, bawal magsungit!!!

My birthday wishes to CD who is celebrating her birthday a day after mine. Sorry for suffering the tailend of my festivities. Joke!
Kidding aside, I wish you all the best (especially where we Scorpios are cursed at…you know….the “L” word). We’ve had a lot of meaningful chinwags and you’ve been quite a revelation. Thanks for the warmth and for putting up with all the facets of my work and off-work personality. In the short span of time that I’ve known you, I am surprised by our level of connection and life parallelisms (damn Scorpio curse). I am looking forward to more days of stress (pauso ni Hagrid to!), bickering, ruckus and hilarity, sentimentality and cerebral moments.
Happy birthday, baby! (said in an OMC tone…hahaha!)