During my birthday, new mom Ving told me that I will be ninong to her firstborn David. She gave me the tentative date.
I almost forgot about it until on the early morning of December 21, Ving reminded me of the baptism. Good thing I didn’t plan anything for that day.
Ving requested that I bring my Mom, who she fondly referred to as Lola and David as her first apo. Which was A-ok for me so that she won’t pester me into giving her a grandchild soon.
After the church ceremony, we went to Ving’s house for the reception. I realize that I miss her house, which can easily double up as a resort (sans a pool). It was tucked in a sleepy town and the sprawling lot just bursts with foliage, like a hidden Eden. The air is always cool and crisps, even in summer and I remember that we used to have our lengthy talks under the canopy of those trees (see samples of my very amateur tree photography below).

I haven’t seen Ving since her wedding a year ago so we had a lot of catching up to do. Good thing we were able to sneak away from our Moms for the hush-hush talks. After I have updated her on my life status, Ving asked me to stay away from someone, and I don’t know if I have the strength to do that.
I also miss talking to Tita Tamar who is like my second Mom. She looks way better than the last time I saw her so I presumed she enjoyed being a doting Lola. Even Tito Al seems to have loosened up. Good work, David!
Ving's Lola barely recognized me; she said that I was all grown up. When I said my college name, she thought I was someone else. It was only when I used my name variation (that Ving calls me) did recognition dawn on her. What surprised me is that she remembered where I worked and asked if I brought a bag of Lay’s. I said, of course!
As always, we said a thousand goodbyes before we finally made it out of her house. And as before, my Mom has taken some plants and I am giving it about 4 months before it wilts from negligence (shhh...my Mom has far-from-green thumbs). I hope I will be wrong.

One of my best college buddies got married last December 27.
MM was my schoolmate since elementary but it was also during college when we got real close, especially when we were part of UP Lakan. We worked on a lot of projects for Lakan and her passion is very contagious. Plus we are both Yakalites, although I have a different circle when we were at Yakal.
In terms of social life (read: love life) we were part of that outside-looking-in group. We got linked to a lot of people but we never felt any pressure from it or perused to have a so-called S.O. As we always say, if may dumating, edi thank you; if wala, edi wala.
So I am really happy that MM has found somebody to spend the rest of her life with. Though I never got to meet Jonjon (I missed the sort of send-off get-together that our group gave for MM), I have gut feel that he is a great choice. Trust MM to make a smart choice after waiting all these years.
We never got to see each other often after college but MM is the friend-in-need type. I remember she fully supported my decision to look for another work in the middle of this year. She even sent me some prospects. It helps that she also wanted out from her work at that time. But to cut a long story short, we both ended up sticking to our jobs.
Though I am not there during the many get-togethers, I always make it a point to be there for my long-time friends to share their big life-changing moments.
Her wedding was simple and elegant. Very MM. Days before the wedding, Oda contacted me and said that I will be her co-emcee for the reception. And I have to keep mum about this coz this will be one of the many surprises for MM. For this, I got a huge, long hug from MM.
The reception held at C3 was informal in an enjoyable way. MM did not want any of the wedding clichés like bouquet toss or cake cutting. Guests really enjoyed the photo booth a la Hollywood red carpet. The father of the groom gave a superb toast that got the audience laughing and cheering. And a few tears were shed (MM will kill me for this). The groom was teary-eyed when her sisters and dad gave some words. MM shed buckets (ok, I’m kidding... just glassfuls) when her brother gave a very touching thank-you speech. Tissue, please!
MM’s little brothers (oh, they are not little anymore) provided some musical intermission. Chino played a Tagalog wedding classic on flute (I obviously forgot which song). Not to be outdone, Kim worked the piano. The song he played was eerily familiar…and then it hit me...it was Bella’s Lullaby from Twilight.
MM, just so you know... Oda and I never got to finish our food coz of our emcee task. So you owe us lunch! Haha!
MM and JonJon, I wish you a happy married life. I want you to be one of those people who will disprove that marriage is an institution that fails more than it succeeds. And that’s sincere; coming from a cynic like me.
Sorry but this one will have a separate blog. I don’t have the heart to write this for now. The pain is still raw and I am just covering it with what little holiday cheer I can muster.
But our Christmas turned tragic (again) with the loss of Ama. He is my lola’s brother. Life in that old house of my childhood will never be the same again with him gone.
Part of me still wish this was a bad dream.