I’m back but I’m not yet in the pinkest of health. I’m still under (expensive...huhu) medication. Some people are joking that I might have caught the swine flu. Maybe...because I have been with some pigs lately, haha.
It’s my first time alone since my house arrest due to this flu/throat problem. I haven’t been in my pad (naks!) in QC for days and when I got back, I realize I already have a new neighbour.
Today, I woke up to loud music blaring from New Neighbour. The Bee Gees were shrilling at me when I still want to sleep. And Noisy Neighbor will even sing along at the top of his voice. How can some people be that inconsiderate!? Haven’t they heard of some god-sent tools like headphones and MP3 players? I have no choice but use my own headphone to block off the Bee Gees ruckus next door.
We’ve had quite a lot of experience with these neighbours. Back in Bulacan, our neighbour will practice his piano at all times of the day! Often at 6AM you will wake up to the tinkling piano notes of A Thousand Miles. So much so that I am starting to hate that song. And he can only play that and another obscure song. My poor sister, who has shifting work sked, has to deal with this...everyday!
Last New Year’s Eve we had a running joke that we will reward anyone who will throw a firecracker at Piano Guy so he will lose his fingers (bad joke, I know!).
This swine flu is quite alarming especially when CNN uses such terms as “pandemic” or “inevitable.” Another karma for humankind for not taking care of this planet. And how timely this is considering that we are already in the depths of a global recession.

I just hope we will be spared from the domino effect of this swine flu. Like we were spared from SARS some years back. I don’t know if the government was really that effective in their anti-SARs campaign or we are just damn lucky. It sometimes pays to be in a strategic location on the map. I mean we are surrounded by seas and not other countries so we can somehow control things that are coming into our area of responsibility. Yes, except typhoons.
Speaking of typhoons, it seems like summer just packed up and left. One moment I was blogging about this summer being a scorcher, and then some rains. But now it has been raining for days! The weather is also not as hot even if it's not raining.
Too bad because some people have yet to enjoy their summer soiree and getaways. Imagine waiting a year to enjoy the beach only for the weather to come raining on your parade...literally!
It’s been more than a week since I last had any coffee or chocolates. The craving is killing me! Now I know how smokers feel.
I’m still looking at alternatives to quench the craving. Tea is not that enjoyable but at least it comes close.
Any ideas?
When I decided to blog and let my thoughts float unto cyberspace, I already braced myself for people's opinions, be it good or bad. Variety (even of opinions) is the spice of life.
I think it’s a little too arrogant to call someone names because his opinion differs from yours. This is my life, my thoughts, my blog. Love it or hate it, this is the way I see the world. Notice the title: Through Bernard’s Looking Glass.
But if that’s what you think, I respect that. That’s how “smart” I am.
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