Wax Antiseptic
Hair Wax is better than hair gel in all parameters except one: it is hell to remove or shampoo off. What you do is soap your hair first (with regular bar soap; but I actually use Perla). The soap will dissolve the bond of the wax to your hair. Rinse and proceed with your usual shampoo.

Oral Lessons
When brushing your pearly whites, use a wet toothpaste first. Meaning no toothpaste yet. This will untangle most of the debris from your teeth. Toothpaste (especially here in the Philippines) are so sudsy that it makes toothbrushing “slippery.” Hence, it makes the toothbrush bristle glide smoothly over food particles stuck on your teeth instead of removing it.

See also related tip below.
Being Wise Can Shed Calories
Diet is one of the most misunderstood words in the English dictionary. Said the nutritionist. Diet is not about depriving yourself of food. It is about (Diet Tip #1) eating wisely. Not eating only ruins your metabolism; which defeats the purpose of your dieting.
Diet Tip #2: Listen to your body. Sometimes we think we are hungry when we are just thirsty.
Diet Tip #3: Quell the urge for that after-dinner sweets or midnight snack by brushing your teeth immediately after dinner.

Save Me
Finding it hard to save money from your just-sufficient salary? If you receive a 10-peso coin as loose change, do not spend it but instead place it in a container. You will be surprised at how much you can save without you knowing it or feeling it in your pockets. My 10-peso collection saved me one time when I forgot to withdraw cash.

Charge It To Experience
The USB port might be the techie’s best friend but they are your batteries’ enemies. As much as possible, do not charge phones and MP3 devices through your laptop. Charge it directly to an electrical outlet. Laptop charging is considered secondary (current passes from laptop to your device). This will ultimately ruin the battery life of your precious phones or MP3 players. I should know... autopsy revealed that this was the C.O.D. of my first iPod (RIP).

Goody Two-Shoes
Listen, ladies...You are better off with two pairs of high-quality shoes than four cheap ones. Look what it did to Imelda.
Seriously...buy two good pairs of shoes and alternate it. This will allow your shoes to dry before you use it again.

Corporate Netiquette
In today’s world of social networking and blog diaries, it is wise to keep your work-related sentiments on private profile or invisible mode. Unless you want to receive an angry emoticon from your boss or a shout-out (read as Shout: Out!!!) from HR.
Having said that...try the new Quaker Oatmeal Cookies. Not because I am the PM but because they are really really good (for your tastebuds and for your health)... And for your pockets too, coz it only costs 10 pesos a piece. That's like health for some loose change. Amazing! Unbelievable! Need I say more. Grab it.

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