I didn’t realize my breath is measured by the number of blogs I write. Sweet! In blogosphere or in the greater “online” world...if you disappear, it means that you actually HAD A LIFE.
Ha ha..who am I kidding? Nobody will believe me if I say I took a 3-week leave and spent some time off in Tijuana. My very active Twitter account would have been a dead giveaway (my Twittername is Barnieboi to those who are still asking).
Let me bask in this moment. I can’t believe I am actually sitting infront of my laptop and writing (as opposed to working). My schedule has been really crazy so I was surprised when my normal routine came back today. By normal, I mean sleeping before midnight and waking up by 5AM to blog or enjoy a lazy morning before work.
So where have I been? I have actually been vacillating between WORK (what did you expect?), SICKBED and SANTA. Since my birthday, a lot has been going on in Barnie-land that I don’t even have time to just sit still.
WORK. ‘Tis the season when the air gets nippy and we start rolling out the blueprints for next year. In three letters...it is known as AOP. Annual Operating Plan. I just finished two rounds of this gruelling and brain cell-consuming mission. Our own AOP was done in Sonya’s Garden. Just imagine we had to concoct plans and promos while being seduced by the foliage and spa-like environment. That gave me a soothing headache. Hehe. Kidding aside, this place is amazing. I wish I could back here and do nothing.

We just had a problem with the toilet and bath in our villa. It was made for couples on a honeymoon. Not for colleagues sharing a room (cringe!). See for yourself why:

While in this not-so-secret garden, I ended up eating flowers (no dirty thoughts please), craving for tarragon tea, crashing into other people’s room (coz I can’t sleep) and dancing to Jay Sean’s Down (don’t ask me how and why).
SICKBED. A few weeks back, I had to consult the MD again (second time this year). Medical tests showed that I had some severe infection in a still unconfirmed area which is causing the fever and extreme abdominal cramps. I thought it was gastritis. The doctor fear that it might be appendicitis, however the pain is different. She just gave me quick-relief medicine with instructions to go back if things worsen. And asked me to stay away from milk, soda, liquors and my liquid love (that’s coffee to the unromantic). Good thing my body reacts quickly to antibiotics so a second visit was not needed. But I still have the pains every now and then. I think stress has finally caught up with me. Note to self: I really should have a full medical check-up.
The said pain is also preventing from doing extreme physical activities (run, crunches). So I think my body fat index is on its way up even before the Christmas gluttony gets in full swing. Second note to self: get physical on Christmas break (why do I sound like I want to be a warfreak?).
SANTA. I caught the Christmas spirit early...sometime around my birthday. But it was booed away by those three letters (AOP...see above). Now I’m trying hard to get the feeling back again. I’ve started doing my Christmas shopping but I ended up buying more for myself than gifts for other people. My target is to complete my gift list this week so that my personal gift wrapper (hello, C...belated happy birthday!) can now fulfil her yearly obligation.
Speaking of gifts, I really punish myself and go out of the way to give “personal” gifts to people...or at the very least something they can use. Gone are the days when I would only have two gift options: books and CDs (though I still give these to people who loves them as much as I do..wink, wink). I already completed my gift list and I know what to give my friends...but the more herculean task is actually buying it. Like where is it best to buy an XXL shirt?
Friends have also been asking if I have a gift wish list. I’m OK with anything I can use, be it socks or a hanky. I’m practical that way.

In between Work, Sickbed and Santa, I’ve been trying to get as much sleep as I can. Not only because I am often drained, sated and spent. I happen to read this email about the head of SAP India who recently died. He was young and athletic. It turned out that he was multi-tasking too much and didn’t give his body time to rest/sleep. The parallelism is just too much that it fed my already full-blown paranoia. Yaiks!
Now back to happy thoughts! I need to go back to my Christmas list and check it twice. I might change my mind on what to give those who have been naughty.
HOHO (the Christmas version of XOXO)

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