I got my iPhone from my sashyal sister who pulled all the right strings to get me one during its first mass-market (or shall we say sashyal market) shipment to the Philippines. The techwhore in me had a screaming 3G orgasm when I got it! Then the feeling wore off when I realized its lousy features (complete with I-can’t-believe-Apple-didn’t-think-of-that expression).
Topmost of the lousy features is the fact that you can’t forward SMS nor can you delete SMS individually. You have to delete all the SMS from that person and of course I don’t have the heart to erase the “Kumain na u?” and “Here na me” messages (Ang cheeesey!).
Apparently Apple forgot to consult the SMS capital of the world for inputs. Blasphemy!
Good old me just accepted these sad facts and made use of its better features (like easy interphase from phone to laptop and create-your-own ringtone using songs from the iPod).
This week, Apple released the third version of their operating system for iPhones (in line with the launch of the new gen of iPhone...with video I think). Finally Apple listened and addressed all the complaints. There are even cool additions like general search function and landscape keyboard.

It felt like getting a new phone all over again with all the new features and updates. No wonder all the celebrities were tweeting about it (Ashton: Just got the new iPhone download. God bless copy and paste!!!).
One last request: a create-your-own message alert tone.
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