Saturday, June 06, 2009

It's So Tweet

I am developing some real fascination for Twitter. Now I know what the fuss is all about. And I fell for it... hook, line and sinker!

Some famous twitters like Ashton and Anderson Cooper dish out some nuggets of wisdom via tweet. What a cool way to educate mankind and make this world a better place. And you'd be surprised that some celebrities have smart wisecracks up their sleeves. Hollywood is not Bimboland after all.

Here are some interesting tweets (from the humdrum to the poetic) from celebrities I followed.

Ryan Seacrest: In dressing room at conan show..the toilet water is blue

Ashton Kutcher: It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it." ~ Sam Levenson (I totally agree...some people are simply enslaved by their mouths)

John Mayer: When you got hurt/in pieces on the floor/you put them back together better than before. (I assume these are lyrics to a new song he is writing)

John Mayer again: When you got hurt/it made you beautiful/the cracks around your heart will let the light shine through

Ashton again: things don't happen to you they happen for you

Mariah Carey: I've been trying to tweet since 1901. Wtf??? Its not letting my tweets go thru! Check one two.. (Apparently she is having problems sending her tweets)

Ashton once again: Nothing worse than sitting through a graduation after your kid has gotten their diploma.

David Archuleta: Woah! Just now hearing The Man Who Can't Be Moved on the radio for my first time! (So finally this song is being played in the US! It’s old news here in the Phili)

Chico Garcia: back to taking zinc & copper and chromium. i take it with my vitwater because it's like water, but better, you know?

Delamar: Me thinks a bag of granny goose tortillas is calling my name at the grocery store. Must answer the call. Kawawa naman... (Delle, I thought we agreed that you love Cheetos, haha!)

And finally...

Barnieboi: Woke up later than usual. Had a blast with K and M last night. I can still taste my Red Mango. It's bad for my throat but what-the-heck!

Barnieboi again: Leaves do fall. Do I blame the wind or the tree that let it go? Here I am choking and waiting for the dust to settle.

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