Bad luck smiled at me when there was already a loooong queue at Cinema 3. So we ended up being seated at the second row. Stupid Adidas placed markers on the seats that we thought the other seats were reserved for Adidas sponsors. It was only later that we realized that almost all the seats have the Adidas logos. Really poor and shameful marketing ploy!
Ten minutes into the movie, I started feeling dizzy. Because I was too close to the screen! Why oh why, can’t they start the seats a comfortable distance away from the screen? Tsk, tsk.
Twenty minutes into the movie and I wanted to puke. No kidding. So there were times when I had to close my eyes to quell the dizziness. I think I ended up sleeping in intervals. I would only wake up or open my eyes when I hear Megan’s voice. Or when there is a really loud and theatre-shaking explosion.
I won’t write a full review yet coz most people are not as lucky as me to watch it on the first day (yabang!). But over-all the movie is great, especially for a sequel. You can tell that Michael Bay and company placed some real effort into making it.
In fact they kinda overdid it in parts. It was visually exhausting and indulgent. You are not allowed to feel anything because you are bombarded with fight scenes after fight scenes after fight scenes. So all the robots started to look the same (or was it because of where I was seated?). Also, to kiss-ass to its female audience, Transformers 2 delivered cheese like a Greenwich Pizza. Apparently Shia was not enough for progesterone magnet.
Things to watch out for: Megan’s boobies, Megan’s thighs and Megan’s tight pants that amazingly remain spotlessly white in the Egyptian desert (expect that on Home TV Shopping soon...Amazing White-Everytime Pants). Shia’s huge nose. The Fray’s new song played during the cheesy moments (what is this, Grey’s Anatomy?).
J said Josh Duhamel looked liked a more manly Ryan Seacrest. And she is right! I expected Josh to say “Dim the lights...the Decepticons are here” anytime.
So that’s my two cents for now. Maybe I’ll try to catch it again…with better seats this time.’s the other movie I can’t wait to see:

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