But my name has evolved over the years to the point that if someone calls me, I can tell from which point of my life he/she came from.
Elementary and HS school mates would call me by my legal name. College friends will just use two letters to call me or a name that sounds like beige. Colleagues, on the other hand, summon me like I am a purple dinosaur.

But lately, I have been called other names. No, not Bastard or S.O.A.B.
Last December, I was at Shangri-la doing some Christmas shopping. I decided to take a breather at Starbucks. I ordered for their cherry-something Holiday blend and waited on the side for my coffee. Several minutes passed by and the barista has not called my name. Then I noticed that all the people behind me when I ordered already had their coffees. In my most pleasant of tones, I followed up my order. I noticed a lone cup standing at the counter and asked the barista if that was a cherry concoction. She said yes and I said that could be mine. She apologized profusely. It was then that I saw the name...EDWARD.
I forgave the crew because it did sound alike and that was the height of the Twilight fever.
Today I got the new lease contract for my QC apartment. The landlord just slipped the envelope under the door. It says Unit #12...for RONALD.
I quickly checked if I had a clown-y smile, yellow-and-red costume and big shoes. I didn’t.
Just to put everyone on the same page, I am...(queue in janjararan sound)...MISUNDERSTOOD.
Haha, got you there.
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