The rains are still coming in torrents outside. It’s starting to feel like we are sealed inside a snow globe, only there were rains instead of snow.
I was the first to arrive at the place, having left the office early in anticipation of this squalid weather and requisite traffic. I wasted the time away exploring this new shopping and dining haven.
On my way to the ATM, I saw a beautiful apparition coming out of Fitness First. I did a second look. Is it really who I think it is? My all-time celebrity crush. Fresh out of the gym in all her simple yet elegant glory. I controlled my palpitation and quickly finished my ATM transaction in the hopes that I can see her again when I re-enter the mall.
She was nowhere in sight so I just pursued my aimless walking. I felt the onset of hunger so I considered getting some fries just to get by. Then I saw her coming out of a posh diner and quelled the urge to follow her. But she turned around so our paths crossed. She caught my eye for a second and I got dizzy. Turned out I have been holding my breath for God knows how long.
Excuse my being cheesy. It’s not every day this happens. And although I’ve met and talked to her before, she really has this stupefying effect on me.
Ditching my stalker instinct, I wandered away from her and soon found myself inside Fully Booked. There were towers of the Twilight Books everywhere. I remember that a few months ago, you can hardly find a copy. I strolled into the juvenile section and found this.

These are some of the first books I ever read. Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Bobbsey Twins. I’ve practically gobbled up these hardcover versions during my tween stage. Nice of them to bring these back so kids of today can enjoy them; further expanding their reading list beyond Harry, Edward and gossip blogs. If I win the lottery, I’ll order a full set of these series. Which means I have zero chances of owning them.
I resisted the urge to buy another purple shirt. Purple has become the new black. I wanted a new jacket but either they are too expensive or too fancy for my taste.
Finally, K and M arrived and since we were famished we started foraging for a place to eat, eventually settling for Red Vine. K said she will pay for this dinner in light of a dare which I won. Whopee! Soon I was enjoying my creamy dory pasta. Four spoons out of five!
M was on the phone half of the time. I had the urge to dip said phone in her calamansi juice (just kidding, M!). We talked about their “escape,” a certain marathon and some people who will remain nameless for their own sakes. Haha!
And now here we are enjoying desert. Something caught K and M’s eyes; I was sitting with my back to the crowd so I asked what it was. Turned out a celebrity couple just joined us. He is a child star turned international star who just released a new CD. She is singer whose first claim to fame is a commercial where she is walking, singing and giving out softdrinks in bottles.
If you still don’t get it, here’s a no-brainer for you:

Props to these two for being unassuming and nonchalant despite their celebrity status. He even seems uncomfortable at being stared at. He's worlds away from the hyperactive sensation onstage. Or maybe it’s because she was wearing too much make up, while he looked like he just stepped out of ballgame. When they went out, he opened the door for her and didn’t let go until the other people have passed also. I laughed at this mother who was so kilig when she realized who just held the door for her.
We talked about Japanese authors and our last plane ride that was punctuated with hilarity. Then, we pondered going back to Fully Booked but we realized the mall stores have closed while we were in our private snow globe.
Outside, the rains are letting up. Taking it as our cue, we drifted into night like some nocturnal cult. Unsure when such idyllic gathering will happen again.
I woke up Saturday morning to more rains. Weather like this surely ruins any weekend schedule. I wanted to visit a long-time buddy who just became a proud dad a couple of days back. I know fatherhood is supposed to change you; but D has turned strangely mushy that I had to read his texts twice, unconvinced that it was from the same person I know.
Not that there’s anything wrong with it. It just needs getting used to. Like change.
Like most things in life.
In the languidness of the weekend, I realize that the last two days felt like some weird dream sequence. Like I was in two different spheres last Thursday and Friday. There were a lot of loose edges, hush-hush whispers and intertwining events.
For now, I’m still lost in finding rhyme or reason. My mind is unpredictably overwhelmed. If there’s one thing I know for’s the sound of dominoes and musical chairs.
The things that you thought I didn’t know... are the things I understand the most.
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