Sunday, April 15, 2012

New North

Watches and compasses. Two things that have fascinated me as a kid. It amazes me how something I can place in the palm of my hand can measure a concept as intangible and infinite as time and direction. I feel conflicting emotions in watching the arrow or the dial move. Like watching the seconds of my life pass me by. In slow motion.

I’ve always had this morbid view of life. I never thought I’d grow up to be in my late twenties. Let alone early thirties. So early on, I developed this habit of making the most out of everything. Taking each moment like it’s the last. But soon real life got in the way and I got overruled by deadlines and schedules. It became most of me.

Until I found a renewed drive.

Drive. Passion. Motivation. The things that keep you going despite the odds that are stacked against you. Those memories or small voices that push you to go the extra mile even if your physical self has abandoned you some miles back.

Some would call it good vibes or positive energy. Well, they all result to one thing: the achievement of set goals.

Yesterday I met someone who is at the prime of his life. Fame, fortune, to-die-for girlfriend…you name it, he has it. But the thing that made my jaw drop is how he was able to do all of it: a Mon-Sat day job and being able to pursue his passions (food blogging and triathlon, to name a few). Plus a social life that is the toast of tinsel town. Part of me is convinced he is a vampire and I even dared ask if he sleeps. He claims to be an OC in anything he does and just balances and find time to do everything. That simple? There must be an algorithm to that which is only apparent to the chosen few. And he is the leader of the pack. He should place multimasker in his multi-hypenate curriculum vitae.

If he can do it, maybe I can too. Let me rephrase that. If he can do it, so can I. How’s that for starters.

No more excuses. No more downtime mulling over what could have been and what’s not there. It’s time to make it happen. It’s never too late to abandon the sick cycle carousel and be somewhere off the beaten track. The path where dreams come true. It may be more difficult but if I’m passing by greener pastures, no doubt it will be worth it.

I have found my new North and I am re-aligning my compass.

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