Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Week High

The first week of 2009 was hectic, to say the least. But my spirit is high…and I don’t know why (wow…that rhymes). Maybe the cold crisp air still vibrates with some holiday cheer even if Christmas seems miles away already.

Or maybe it was my glib anticipation for that great bright start for 2009.

I already finished my general cleaning of my studio-type domain and I got rid of a lot of junk that has piled up over the months. In the process I unearthed a lot of stuff that I bought or was given to me (like shirts or even journals) but I haven’t used. I also discovered that I bought two similar things (like an extension cord). It really sucks to be disorganized.

I also started a new planner…well two to be exact…one for the personal stuff (e.g. finances) and one for the work stuff. I also found pleasure in starting a new notebook - our spanking new corporate notebook. I always work on a new notebook each year, to categorize the notes and topics. Now I just have to print the sales data as an at-a-glance reference for the impromptu recitations.

Since my car is being rehabilitated, I was at the mercy of officemates who picked me up for work and brought me home. So I go home before 9PM and surprises of surprises…I leave my laptop at the office! (lest I commute the next day). Which is a good thing coz I was able to do more house stuff or slept early so I can go to work early. Thanks to M, C and E for being my designated driver, hehe.

I also perused to finish the write-up for our SalesCon AVP. Since this was corporate literature, I had to really rack my brains to find the right words; so unlike blogs where my thoughts and words just flow freely. I’m so glad I was able to finish it with minor revisions. But I’m sorry that I cannot share it here because they are now intellectual property of our company.

I’m giddy and edgy for the next week’s SalesCon. We laid out a lot of stuff, with the purpose of bringing it to the next level.

Cheers to the best-laid plans and the promise of 2009! Hope everyone’s enjoying a great new year.


I’m no prophet and I don’t know nature’s whim
So I’ll try to see into your eyes right now
And stay right here coz these are the good old days

- From “Anticipation